How It Works Last update 4 months ago

User Satisfaction is our priority. By doing so, we vet all sellers and buyers. Sellers Profile are Thoroughly Vetted before Gigs Approval. As a Buyer, your Payment is Held in our Escrow system before releasing to seller. Even after the Gig is delivered we extend warranty to 25 days before payment is given to seller. During this period if you think the Gig is not as you wished, you can cancel and have your full refund.

As buyers. register and Get your account verified, choose the Gig of your choice. You can chat to the seller or freelancer if you have any more question or go ahead and checkout with payment option of your choice. As a freelancer or Seller. Register and verify your account . Then fill in your profile information which includes your location, Skills and Language. Proceed with creating your gig and share the link.

You can send us message through contact button and we will reply within minutes.

You can also contact us Via our Telegram Live Support or the contact form button on the bottom of the page