Starting at $1,600.00

Get an Uber or Taxi App With $3000 Weekly Income Profit

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2 weeks for delivery

( 1 reviews )
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We promise an excellent order experience or your money back.

We prioritize user satisfaction by carefully vetting all sellers and buyers. Before approving gigs, we review sellers' profiles thoroughly. As a buyer, your payment is held in our escrow system until released to the seller. You have a 25-day warranty period after gig delivery to cancel and receive a full refund if unsatisfied.


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  • You can Communicate with the Seller through the seller inbox offer live customer support which you can find on the bottom of the page. You can click on live telegram support

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Welcome to My Gig!

If you’ve taken a look at my profile, you’ll see that I offer more than just app development services. I specialize in building apps that become substantial income sources.

Here’s the deal: If you have $2000 in your savings account, you might earn around $120 in monthly interest. Instead, by investing $2000 in this gig, you get:

Custom Ride-Hailing or Delivery App: A fully automated, high-performance app with features comparable to Uber.

No Technical Expertise Needed**: Effortlessly manage the admin section without any tech skills.

Profit Assurance**: Expect $2000 or more in weekly earnings. If the app doesn’t perform as promised, you can cancel and receive a full refund.


  • Web Hosting, Domain, and Design: I’ll assist you with setting these up.
  • Payment Gateway: I’ll guide you through obtaining a payment processor if needed.
  • Logo and Branding: I’ll help create your logo and branding materials.


  • Commission from Transactions: Earn from each transaction made by drivers and users.
  • Advertising Revenue: Generate additional income from Google Ads and private ad placements.

With everything in place, I’ll build and deploy a comprehensive Ride-Hailing or Delivery App tailored for your target market.

I’m here to answer any questions and provide further details. This is a fantastic opportunity to start a profitable side hustle. Don’t hesitate to reach out!

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