Starting at $1,000.00

I will create Automatic News or Automatic Bloging Website to make passive income

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Year 2024 You dont need to be too smarty to make money. one of the automatic stress free and legit way to make money is by owning an auto bloging websites. As the name shows its an automatic blogging or automatic news website. Its automatically draws news from around the globes through what is called RSS Feeds and bring them to your site, Base on the Niche you have


You get paid by Google, and many other private advertisers who come to your website. Google and other advertisers upload their ads on your site and when any one sees those ads you get paid. You can have multiple Websites and that is multiple income.

My job will be the following Create the Websites for you Connect the Sites to google adsense Activate all the work and then you are ready to have income streaming with zero hustle. i will also give you tutorials on how to do one or two things required to keep your site running. Please drop me a message if you have any more question

This Investment will cost you only $1000 and in return you can male more than $3000 every month Guaranty.

This gig also comes with 100% Money back guarantee.

After paying for the Gig, i will setup the site, setup all the features need for the site to run . hand over the site with a video tutorial on how to do little administrative jobs from the site backend. With this you could earn money as a work at home person.

Please drop me a message to get started

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