Starting at $1,000.00

Make You a $2000 Profit from Your $3000 Account every 72 Hours

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4 days for delivery

( 3 reviews )
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We promise an excellent order experience or your money back.

We prioritize user satisfaction by carefully vetting all sellers and buyers. Before approving gigs, we review sellers' profiles thoroughly. As a buyer, your payment is held in our escrow system until released to the seller. You have a 25-day warranty period after gig delivery to cancel and receive a full refund if unsatisfied.


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  • You can Communicate with the Seller through the seller inbox offer live customer support which you can find on the bottom of the page. You can click on live telegram support

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Good day and welcome to my profile: carefully read this

I worked in a bank for 23 years, 17 of them I manage private portfolios for individuals and private organisation. Your bank called them investment banking. This is how it happens. You deposit an amount in a fix bank account, in return you receive monthly interest of the amount. Example. You have $5000 in your fixed investment account, every month the banks gives you 10% of the your balance as an interest. That’s amazing.


Your bank uses your fix $5000 to trade stock, forex and commodities. They can make a whopping $10,000 in every 72 Hours from your $5000. Meaning your $5000 makes minimum of $30,000 Monthly whiles you receive only $500.

In return the banks warns you not to trade forex or commodities whiles there is a 5 minutes financial segment in your national television dedicated to telling you the price of Gold, forex and commodities.


With your $3000 Investment with me, you will receive $$2000 every 72 hours

With $5000 Investment with me, Your receive $3500 Every 72 hours.

With $2000 You receive $600 Every 72 hours.

These you receive without doing nothing. I use your money to trade forex and stock, take my profit and make sure you receive yours as promise.

If I have a website or Ponzi scheme which ask you to send those money to me, that will be a scam. hence am using this platform which is an escrow site. Meaning, your payment stays with them. it can only be released to me when you confirm you have received your profit.

Your message me and choose package

I send your offer to accept.

You make payment here on this platform. The platforms holds your money

I use my money to trade for you, send your profit to you after 72 hours,

You mark the order complete and the platform releases my money.

Warranty: Each order or each gig has 4 days delivery. If you don’t receive your profit after 72 hours, cancel and will refund you 100%.

There is leather live customer care you can talk to them about surety and warranty.

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