Perform MT4 or MT5 Immune Coding
Have you every Purchase a trading robot and it works for few hours with huge profit and then all of a sudden it blows the whole profit and your capital? if you answer is Yes, then you are among the 90% of traders who are slave to forex broker.
You can Use the best forex robot in the World, if you dont perform Immune coding, your robot or indicator will be corrupted by the broker and you will lose your money.
Immune coding is the process that hides and protects your trades from broker rigging and manipulation. Once your robot is connected, the broker picks it up and then corrupt or alter the strenght . Immune coding will guide and hide your Trading robot to be invicible from Brokers. through this your trades will appear like manual trades.
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Every forex trader using trading Robot or indicator needs this, believe me this works like magic and the seller is awsome

i traded forex for almost 12 years, lost so much money and never knew about this. what a revelation. this more important in forex than account size . very effective and good seller

Seller is very kind and helpful. This system is something new to me and I had my doubt . But he explained in detail how it works and it’s actually works . My trades and profit increased rapidly

New or Old Trader dont ever ignore this process, it works like magic. You can have the best robot in the world. without immune coding your profit will last for two days and broker will rob you. this is a life saver and you must do it. Thank you so much the seller is reliable and very honest

Works like Magic. great seller took time to explain all details to me because i was little confuse on how this works. at the end it was best decision
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